The new Secret Weapon for your Legs!
Within the first few months of release, we’ve supplied these Incredible New Hack Squats to some of the Best Gyms worldwide – Nick Mitchell’s ‘Ultimate Performance’, Ben Pakulski’s ‘MI40’ and Tony Doherty’s ‘Dohertys Brunswick’ to name just a few.
There’s a reason for this, our new hydraulic Adjustable Hack Squat gives you the quickest and simplest way to hit your legs from every angle and with varying loads and ‘acceleration masses’.
Besides being an incredibly heavy-duty hack squat in its own right, this new machine has a huge Foot plate allowing you to shift the load from quad/hamstring/glutes etc., by adjusting your foot placement.
The main feature, however, that separates this from every other hack squat is the built-in hydraulic system that allows you to quickly and easily change the angle from 30 to 70 degrees (and everything in between).
Even while the hack squat is in use, the angle can be changed. Huge and super intense ‘drop sets’ can be achieved easily with this incredible device.


  • Hydraulically adjustable angle for endless variation
  • Independently adjustable huge footplate
  • Super fast & easy angle change even while the machine is in use
  • Ultra heavy-duty build for heaviest workouts
  • Super smooth Thomson Linear Bearing System
  • Lifetime warranty



Width 137 cm
Length 250 cm
Height 172 cm